Anyone in the World can Make Money on the Internet

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am trying to teach people all over the world to make money on the internet . To those who have a misconception that only people in a few selected countries can make money, that is false information. At least as far as the ways which I employ for making money on the internet are concerned, you are wrong.

The only thing which requires you to be in the U.S.A , Canada, etc. are those websites where you have to do surveys and fulfill offers, which I regard as a complete wastage of time. Don’t use them if you want to make good money. I always talk of world-wide opportunities. To those who do not know how I make money on the internet, I make money by simply using Paid to click websites and by Blogging.

Which anyone in the world who has a computer and an internet connection can do. There was a problem for those in small countries using paid to click websites, that as paypal is not available in some countries, they had difficulty receiving payments which was the only payment processor available. But now as most paid to click websites are operating with Alertpay, which is available world-wide, no such problem will occur.